B.D.Sc (Hons), D.Clin.Dent (DMFR)
Dr Tom Hunag graduated from The University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Dental Science. After working in both the private and public dental sectors, he undertook a three year specialist training program at the University of Queensland and graduated with a Doctorate of Clinical Dentistry specialising in Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology. It included training at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, private radiology practices and at the School of Dentistry.
Since graduation, Tom has been working in a private specialised practice in Maxillofacial Radiology. He has held the position of visiting lecturer, clinical supervisor and external examiner at the University of Queensland, School of Dentistry. Tom has also presented topics in radiology and radiography to dentists and continues to have research interests in Cone Beam Volumetric Tomography. Tom joined Envision in 2012. He is a member of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology.